April 10, 2011

in the zone

Do you ever have days at church that it seems the Pastor is talking strictly to you? I do sometimes, today was one of those days. Its like i was the only one in the room and he was talking to only me. He told us last week to go out and do something to change someones life. So thats what i tried to do. This week i got a little overwhelmed and started to have a nervous breakdown, lol. I want mission compassion to be a huge success, but i also want it to change peoples lives, by bringing them into our church where they can learn about Jesus! Today he started by saying "God is the one to change peoples lives, he starts with US" and thats true. I realize God is going to be the one to change their lives not me, he may use me to be the instrument to achieve that goal, but ultimately he is the one that is going to do the job. He then said a move must be made. And thats what i did, i made this move by organizing this whole project and hope that others will fall in and help and this too will change THEIR lives, they will see what it feels like to have compassion for people whom they may never meet. To try to hide is not right- well i think that is true. The truth is that i had this vision of mission compassion a few weeks before i actually did anything about it. It just consumed my mind day in and day out, i kept saying "i can't do that" or "it isn't possible" but the more i told myself that, the more God put it on my heart. YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM GOD.. and it isn't right to try, if he puts something in your mind or heart that can be a blessing to someone go with it, theres a reason why he put it there. You have to be passionate about it, give it your all. If it doesn't work out right, try again. You know that saying "if you fall off a horse, get back on and try it again"? He then said "we are not responsible for the outcome" I always think that if things turn out wrong or bad, its my fault. Thats my most dreaded fear with mission compassion. That people won't donate because the economy is bad, and then i let people down- i let myself down. But what he was saying was if i do what god wants me to do, then GOD is responsible for the outcome. Maybe if it turns out bad, thats what was meant to happen- but i believe he wanted me to do this so it could have a great outcome. The last thing he said was peoples lives will be changed. You never know what a persons situation is, so i could be changing someones life by what i do today, tomorrow or next week. I may never know the impact i had on someone or how i changed their life until i get to heaven. People should step out on their faith and minister to their neighbors and community even if they don't know them. I may never meet any of the soldiers i send packages too, but to me the reward is just knowing i helped them have a piece of home. I have to believe that God wanted me to minister to our community and our soldiers. One thing keeps going through my mind, Keep on being faithful-and you will be rewarded. I may not be rewarded in this life, but i will in the next- and thats what matters the most to me! As always keep praying for Mission Compassion.